Discovering on day two of our Florida vacation our showerheads were leaking set the tone for a wet week. Proof perfection doesn’t exist on earth. As wonderful as our week was, our thorn in the side was the leaking shower. Water rolled from the shower after dripping from the knobs, flooding the floor on my side of the bed.
Ron spent Christmas morning trying to find the origin of the leak. Discovering the access panel proved difficult. Finally, he found the linen closet’s removable panel and the drip source.
The thorn in our side meant keeping the water turned off all week, only turning it on when necessary. Showerheads needed pressure released each time we used water. When Ron forgot to drain the lines after evening dishes, our floor was soaked again in the morning.
We could not find a repairman available to help us despite calling everyone in the book. We had no choice but to make the best of things, living with a leak.
Camping always makes us appreciate the luxuries we take for granted every day: running water, a gift from God.
“Let’s see if we can get across here,” Ron said at 9:26 as we approached A1A at the resort’s entrance. ‘It’s a miracle!” he said when no cars were in sight. Slowly pushing the gas pedal, we pulled out of our paradise and headed home, leaky shower and all.

After ordering the parts from Amazon, Valentine’s Weekend proved good weather for camping. Booking our favorite spot, B-45 at Newport News Park, Ron spent the weekend fixing the shower. New nozzle heads, piping from Home Depot, a couple of trips to the RV store, and possibly a few curse words later, we once again had a leak-proof shower.
While Ron worked on the shower, I cleaned the carpets and floors, wiped out the refrigerator, and prepared the Crusader for 2022 camping.
Let the adventures continue!