Rainy mornings make for tight working quarters. My co-worker isn’t a fan of the rain but loves her blanket. Rocco is tucked in at my feet; he took some of Sophia’s space. Determined, she burrowed into her spot and hasn’t moved.
My current stack of journals all serving different purposes. Only two are daily; one is my weekly planner, the other my therapy journal. My prayer journal and gratitude journal are part of my daily routine.
Single women, find you a man with the character traits of these men. In the middle of steady rain, chainsaws are in action as they clean up a tree that fell in the storm. And when I walked past on the way to the dumpster, they were smiling, joking with each other, having fun. That is the kind of man you want to marry. Someone in the midst of a storm gets out his chainsaw and goes to work, and does it with a smile.
Life brings storms. You want someone who will help you smile in the midst of them.
Waiting to dump, Ron said, “Check out how ugly that is? Like green shag carpet, yuck. Very cool though, very retro.” They were part of the GMC Nor Easters group we camped with this weekend. Poor GMC guy also had to crawl under the bumper to hook up his black tank; never a fun job made much harder. We’re both grateful for our modern conveniences, even in the camping world.

Ron said at 9:57, “Alright, we’re off. Slower traffic keeps right; that’s me.”
Seeing the art on the back window, I said a quick prayer for Meghan and her upcoming nuptials. God bless and keep them!
We listened to Life Community Church’s live online service while driving south on I-87. Pastor Thomas gave me a new expression, “Don’t get stuck in the Old Testament.” God is for us, not against us if you believe. Embrace the grace of Jesus found in the New Testament.
Foggy drive Message notes Mohawk River Bridge
Tense driving for Ron. Foggy weather for the first part of the trip, heavy rain towards the end. Slow and steady wins the race.
“Just in time, the sun’s coming out,” Ron said as we exited the interstate, 6 minutes from our destination.
Pulling into Belden Hill Campground, we had a sharp turn bordering a pothole. The rear driver’s side tire pinched. While sitting in the truck, waiting for Ron to check in, the tire gauge began beeping. I know not to touch anything in a situation like this; wait for Ron.
As soon as Ron got in the car, I told him. Looking in the rearview mirror, he said, “Yep, we got a flat.”
I said, “Thank God we got it in a campground.”

Flat tires are a part of RVing life. Today is our fourth tire incident. Lucky blew a tire on I-95 south on our way to Myrtle Beach. The Crusader has had two prior, both on I-95. One we were able to pull off the interstate, the other we were not. Near Fredericksburg, VA, when the tire went, changing it is an experience I hope never to repeat.
A campground is much more preferable. Thank You, God!
Ron went to Binghamton to get a new tire. Calling first, he was told they were in stock. After waiting for almost two hours, he was told they were not. Thankfully, we carry two extra tires with us. We’ve learned for long trips, take two. But still, we would rather replace one and still have two.
Ron spent his Sunday afternoon dealing with a flat tire after driving in rain and fog. Tense day for my hubby. He finally got to relax at 5:44 p.m. Praise God.
While Ron was gone, I walked the fields next to us. They remind me of the hills in Tidal, PA where I grew up. Keeping me company on my stroll was Lori, my first best friend I met back in those days. In our fifties, we still laugh like the little girls we once were. Lifelong friends are gifts from God.
Pizza mountain pies for dinner. Two pieces of bread, pizza sauce, mozzarella cheese, and pepperoni toasted over the open flame. Other ideas for yummy pies: ham and cheese, cherry or apple pie filling, meatballs, anything you can put between two pieces of bread and toast.
Ron’s nightly weather report.
“Newport News is 20 degrees warmer again. 7:00 too.”
In typical Morrison fashion, we ended the night with a fire. Tonight’s came with a view. We watched the traffic drive by as the clouds rolled past overhead.
Night all!